

Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA)

At The London College London we do our very best to give all our students a high quality educational experience. But we recognise that occasionally things can go wrong. That’s why we have a student complaints policy
[https://www.lcuck.ac.uk/policies-and-procedures] which explains how students can raise an issue and hopefully have it speedily resolved.

Students may also be able to raise a complaint with the awarding body that accredits the course they are following – Pearson or the University of Derby.

Additionally the College is a subscribing member of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) [https://www.oiahe.org.uk/]
The OIA is a completely independent body, external to the College. It looks at whether correct procedures have been followed, whether those procedures were reasonable, and whether the College or the awarding body’s final decision on a case was reasonable in all the circumstances.

The University of Derby is also a member of the OIA. Currently Pearson Education is not in OIA membership.